Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Increase Profits With Secure Online Shopping Carts

In the few weeks prior to Christmas, 2006, 350 million people made 250 billion dollars in purchases online. This is a 24% increase from a decade ago, and double the figures for theChristmas season, 2005. Shopping online has become one of the most profitable ways to get a product to the consumer.

The introduction of SSL certificates, PayPal, and the support of Credit Card companies and banks have turned online shopping into the fastest growing market in the world.

At one time, the only option for shoppers included brick-and-mortar retail stores and catalogue ordering. This turned the Christmas season into an exercise in patience and stamina as shoppers waited in long lines, travelled from store to store looking for the right item, and sometimes ordering items months in advance.

Very few people enjoyed the luxury of comparing prices, shopping at liquidation centers, and buying products at wholesale. The Internet changed all that. Now, not only can people shop online, but many businesses can offer secondary sale items at 1/2 retail. Just purchase a lot from a liquidation center, and sell it from your site using Paypal.

The Internet made shopping at home a breeze. However, any work at home business needs to understand the dark side of online shopping if they want to succeed.


Many people are afraid to make a purchase from a small website because many fake websites are phishing websites. These sites collect banking information from victims and then use it for fraudulent purchases even loan applications.

Credit Card Fraud and Identity theft are an ever increasing problem both on the net and in the real world.

That is why most online vendors use Paypal instead of their own shopping cart. Yes, it may look basic, but programmers can make the Paypal site mimic any web site. This streamlines the process. Many consumers will appreciate the attention to security.

1) Tell purchasers not to save their passwords or banking information on their PC. Most know this, but posting a warning makes the shopping cart appear secure. Image is everything.

2) Remind clients that Paypal has a buyer protection plan. This will increase sales. After three years on the net, Ive only been ripped off twice.

3) NEVER ask for additional information. Many purchasers will see this as a red flag that might indicate a phishing site. Many marketers love to collect information. It may seem simple to ask people where they came from, what brought them to the site, why thy made a purchase, or where they live but it will cost sales.

4) Show purchasers your security with statements like Only purchase online through secure order pages which are indicated by a small, yellow, Padlock image located near the bottom of the internet browsers window.

Posting an image of the padlock used by IE and Firefox will increase sales by showing that your site uses the padlock.

5) Tell clients that no information from the purchase is used for mailing lists by this business, or partner businesses. Include a disclaimer that this business never sells, shares, or trades contact information with third parties.

6) One of the first things shoppers do is look for a business address. If the address is not located in the USA, and they cannot find a business number in the national phone book, then they wont make a purchase.

It is sad that many phishing sites are run from Russia or Asia where there are not regulations, and no way to legally confront these companies. Until there is an international legal blanket, the only way to increase sales on a website is to reassure shoppers that you are concerned with their security.

Mark Walters is a third generation entrepreneur and author. He offers free training and investing videos designed to speed you towards financial independence at http://www.cashflowinstitute1.com/Articles.htmlAleda Blog13951
Alayne Blog79216

Avoid Financial and Emotional Ruin When Getting Divorced

It is no secret that people engaging in a divorce experience financial and emotional trauma that is only made worse by divorce lawyers and the adversarial system. So I am usually preaching to the choir when I tell horror stories of some of the cases I saw in the 8 years I practiced adversarial law. I was a child of a litigated divorce. I taught emotionally disturbed children from dysfunctional families for many years, I was a divorce attorney for eight years, and now I only do divorce mediation. Having witnessed our legal system from all sides, I can safely say that the whole context of how family disputes are settled in court today is not in the best interest of families. This is a call to arms. I am not even going to pretend this is an unbiased "news" article.

We who fight on the front lines on a daily basis, working with the emotionally vulnerable who feel as though the rug has been pulled out from under them know that the last thing a family in trouble needs is the "assistance" of counsel who could be throwing gasoline on the fire in order to line their own pockets. Most of you probably don't know that family law attorneys are the ONLY kind of lawyers in California whose fees are statutorily protected by the equity in the family home. Divorcing couples may not be aware that they agreed to a lien on their homes and a possible forced sale at the end of the case when they sign their lawyer's fee agreements. People need to know that they will get more and lose less by cooperating with their ex-partner than by litigating the matter.

Most people know what assets they have. No matter how much they earn, many people live paycheck to paycheck and there are usually no issues of hidden Swiss bank accounts. While this is the norm, any couple with equity in their home who both engage lawyers will soon see why the average contested divorce in our state costs $20,000 in attorney fees PER SIDE! And that is just an average. Most often, the more equity your home has, the higher the fees. Read Charles Dickens' Bleak House and you will see little has changed in the past 150 years.

First, the lawyers will engage in expensive discovery procedures, serving interrogatories and subpoenas for production of documents. There will be depositions and then the hiring of expensive forensic accountants and other experts, just to keep the case going. When couples trust their attorneys, it's hard for them to see they are being manipulated. It does NOT have to be this way!

We need a groundswell of people demanding that the adversarial family law system be replaced with mediation. My own practice demonstrates what a sham the adversarial alternative is. I have a 100% track record with over 150 couples. When a lawyer has a powerful intention to help people find their bottom line fairly, efficiently and economically, cases settle without the expense, drama and irreparable harm to children and their co-parenting relationship, harm that is most always the result of a bloody and adversarial battle. Lawyers who are paid by the hour have no incentive to wrap it up. There is an inherent conflict of interest between the attorney, who wants to earn more money, and the client, who wants to save more money. When you are working on a flat fee, there is motivation to help couples come to a reasonable resolution without dragging it out.

An experienced attorney will usually have a good idea of how a judge will rule on a case. This is a community property state, and everything that falls into that category is evenly divided, and separate property is also well defined by statute. It just isn't that complicated. Now there may be cases where a business requires a forensic accountant to value, but you don't need to have a battle of the experts to testify why the husband or wife should get more or less money.

We have all seen the critical mass theory at work in our own lifetimes. For those unfamiliar with this theory, the simple explanation is that when enough people (thought to be somewhere between 3% - 5%) move in a certain direction, the rest of the population follows. Think I Pods, cell phones, recycling, health food, ending the war in Viet Nam, etc. It takes some time for the tipping point to be achieved, but whether it is 5% or 20%, at some point, when enough people get behind something, the change manifests throughout society. We can create a transformation in the way legal services are delivered not only in the area of family law, but all across the board. Mediation is applicable to every area where people have disputes.

As with anything unfamiliar, it takes a certain amount of education to show people the possibilities before they are willing to get on the bandwagon. But if law schools taught would be lawyers to encourage cooperation when marriages break down, more and more couples will hear the message of peaceful divorce and not necessarily think that divorce = court fights. We need more divorce attorneys who take their responsibility to protect their client seriously. I have never understood how these "zealous advocates" can justify draining a client's college fund for their kids so that the attorney's child can go to private school while the client's child is lucky to have lunch money. When people are informed and demand better than what is currently available, more and more law students will study mediation and develop a skill set that supports working with people who are breaking up.

It is my mission to help transform the way people get divorced in this country. Our children are depending on adults to join this crusade. Encourage your friends and family to work together if they have to get divorced. You can split a pie two ways or if lawyers are involved, 4 ways. Which way will you get more? Do you really have to pull the child apart? Don't you think YOU are in a better position to say how your child should be raised instead of lawyers, judges and other "experts." You don't want to start World War III with the parent of your children!!! Your child needs to be your primary focus, not how much money you can get out of paying or not being there when dad comes to pick up the kids. That kind of high conflict drama is totally unnecessary. Not only do consumers need to demand a new kind of divorce, but more lawyers need to recognize the damage caused to families by the legal practice as it is set up now. I hope more attorneys will walk away, as I did, and say, "NO MORE!"

We need judges to recognize who the most egregious of these attorneys are and sanction them, instead of holding them up to young lawyers to emulate. We need an informed public to tell their legislatures that it is NOT OK to give the Family Bar the right to drain the family home of equity through litigation that only comes to an end when there is no more money to be made. Our legal system is broken and we need to do something about it. Generations of children have been caught in the middle of fighting parents who are often encouraged to fight by lawyers who stand to gain. The more we focus on and promote mediation as the rightful solution to family law issues, the more momentum we will build. Who is with me?

Belinda Rachman, EsqAubine Blog47562
Auguste Blog1961

Make More Money In Internet Marketing By BURNING Your PhD In English!

You may be thinking that you will be a failure in internet marketing just because your English teacher from high school gave you an F for your bad grammar and simple vocabulary.

And to top it off, your dear teacher probably even said that you will never make it as a writer! Im here to give you hope because you dont need to be all that great in writing to make money online.

Dont let your misconception scare you. To write successfully online, you dont need a PhD in English. A lot of successful internet marketers dont use professional and impressive English in their writing. And they AINT gonna start!

You may be protesting: Yes however, by procuring a transcendent lexicon and capitalizing gargantuan resplendent words will galvanize people

Did you understand that last sentence without spending 10 minutes with a dictionary? Did my big words impress you? Probably not, if I said that to you face to face, you probably thought I was an English obsessed weirdo!

You probably wouldnt bother reading an article that uses those crazy words, unless you are a true masochist. And I can guess only a very small percentage of people enjoy reading something like that (if any).

You probably wouldnt want to check up each individual word, so let me translate. It says: Yes however, by having a great vocabulary and using big fancy words will impress people.

Did you understand that? YES of course its so simple! And Im guessing most people who can read English didnt have to go the dictionary to understand that phrase. Let me explain a simple truth, we make most money by clear communication, not by complex confusion!

The clearer we can get our message through to our internet readers, the easier it is to sell to them and therefore make more money! Thats why you shouldnt use professional and proper English in internet marketing all the time.

Additionally, using relax everyday language with your customers gives off a feeling that they are talking to a real live human being, which works better when communicating through the internet. Dont be some intimidating corporate robot thats totally not relatable to them.

We want to make our writing so simple to understand that 99% of the population will know what we are offering. Forget impressing the 1% of the population that has a huge vocabulary, because they will certainly understand our writing also!

So for those of you that had a hard time getting an A in English class, CONGRATULATIONS! You have an advantage over other internet marketers that are brainwashed into thinking that the best way of writing is to use higher-level English (like me darn it!).

You dont have to break the bad habit of using overly sophisticated English. So now you have no excuse for your sixth grade level English. For those of you who graduated with a PhD in English, CONGRATULATIONS! That shows dedication and commitment.

However, no one will understand you if you continue writing as you did for your more sophisticated colleagues! Tone it down a little when you are working with your internet marketing business.

Why do you think major newspaper write in simple English? And why are the best selling magazines written in simple English?

Yup, youve guessed it. They write in simple English so that more people will understand their content and more people will buy! You can show off your superior English to the few people who actually care.

So if you are guilty of having perfect sophisticated English in your message, re-edit everything so that even the dumbest sixth grader will understand it. Youll have messages that will be clear and more people will understand what the heck you are talking about!

Alan Quan is a certified Internet Coaching Empire coach and specializes in helping people build their own successful internet marketing business. Visit his website at http://e-bizcoachalan.com/success.htm and find out how he can help you to quickly accomplish your goals and boost your internet profits.Alisa Blog82694
Alis Blog86532

A Healthy Dog is a Happy Dog!

A healthy dog is a happy dog. And a happy dog is the best companion anyone could wish for. Unlike people, dogs can't figure out when something is wrong, or tell you about it. It's your job as the owner to look out for problems and step in quick to keep your hound happy. Illness doesn't just mean breaks, parasites or viruses, it include the scourge of humanity too - obesity. Just like in humans, obesity in dogs can lead to arthritis, heart disease, diabetes, and premature death. Also like in humans, this is a recent development. The availability of cheap food for pets has caused an obesity spiral in the developed world.

So what should you feed your dog? Obviously, breed plays a part, but in general, kibble is the best base (dried dog food) with tinned stuff as a treat. Too much tinned stuff can give your poor pooch the runs! Don't feed him human cakes biscuits and the like, no matter how much he seems to enjoy them - dog's digestive systems are not designed for this kind of food! A diet based on these principle will ensure a shiny coat and clear eyes, both necessary if your dog is going to win thru to the finals of the http://www.petmillions.com contest and a chance to win you a million in cash!

Dental care. Dogbreath is a byword for bad smelling breath. Help your dog keep his teeth and gums healthy by offering him bones to chew (note - NEVER chicken bones!). If it's a real bad case, there are even special 'doggy tooth cleaner' products available at the store.

Worms. Keep him healthy with regular shots against the 4 biggies - distemper, heartworm, parvovirus (which is rare, but fatal!!!) and kennel cough (which is also rare unless you keep the dog out on cement all the time). You can do the worming routine yourself - crush the tablets and sprinkle them onto some tinned food. He WILL be able to smell it, but what the hey, food is food, right? Woof! Only use a small amount of tinned food to ensure he eats all the tablet powder. Don't know what distemper is? Kind of like dog flu, with runny nose and eyes. Worms tend to cause lack of appetite, bad coat, and a tendency to drag his backside along the ground. These are easily passed to humans so fix it fast!

That brings us to fleas and ticks. Treat regularly with one of the many excellent 'dropper' products now available. They really work, and fast too. Ticks can be a nightmare - they can cause swelling, then paralysis and death, so you have to guard against them very carefully, especially if you live in an area prone to dog ticks.

That's my routine with Jess, now be a pal, willya, and vote for him at http://petmillions.com! His ID is 3083, and it's free to vote!

Brendan Gunstan is an IT consultant, who passes the really difficult tasks onto his 12 year old crossbreed Jess.Ariel Blog90118
Alissa Blog70637

The Smart Way To Buy A Vehicle

Believe it or not, it is a skill to buy the right vehicle, at a good or better price than what a particular vehicle is sold for in the market.

Before you do anything else, apply for a bank loan to purchase a new vehicle, find out what is your maximum loan amount your bank or any lender is willing to lend you. Once you know how much your loan approval is, then you are ready to start looking for the car you want.

Decide on the vehicle you will truly be happy or at the least very satisfied with, so that the notes will not feel painful. This is very important.

Will your next vehicle be a truck, a car, a SUV? Whichever type of vehicle you prefer start comparing different makes and models and get a general idea of what they are worth in the market. One easy way to do this is by visiting the Kelly Blue Book online at: http://www.kbb.com. Here you can check what the MSRP value is (Manufacturer's Suggested Retail Price, is the price set by the manufacturer).

Once you have a check from your lender, that check will good as cash at the dealership. This will give you buying power. You will be able to get the best possible cash on a vehicle you really like.

As you shop around do not let car salesmen to intimidate you, remember, you have done your home work, you have research the market value for the car you want, you know a fair price down to the miles of it. Now you have a check in hand and can negotiate a cash deal. Make cash offers and see what reactions you get from salesman. Do not give any information to salesman.

Once you are down to a few dealers where you will buy your car from, go to each, or call each of them on the phone, work with the ones that have a decent sense of customer service and who are willing to work with you, and via telephone make a cash offer for one of the vehicle you are looking for. For instance, you have researched a vehicle that easily sells for $15K or $16K with less than 30K miles. Offer $12K cash and gauge each of their reactions and see what happens. Its not for nothing that Cash still the reigning king!

David Pineda is an ezine/article writer. For more information on how to obtain an easy vehicle loan visit: http://www.easy-auto-loan.net.Ailey Blog57895
Ana Blog43324

Forget Everything You've Been Taught About Autosurfing and STOP Flushing Your Money Down The Toilet!

I would love to slap you. Maybe you deserve it, but certainly you need it. I need to pour iced water over your head, flog you with a sausage and yell as loud as I can in your ears


Yes, you might be a little surprised. Yes you've probably not been flogged with a sausage before, and you'll probably be a bit confused as to why I've got an entire website dedicated to an industry I don't hold much faith in.I really believe that right now (October 10th 2006) the entire industry' exists because of one company alone and I'd like to use this opportunity to explain why you might have lost money on investment after investment this year.

I'm pretty much out on a limb here. Nobody else seems to share my pessimism, but then look around where are the autosurf commentators and advisors of last year? Have you received any email updates from these people telling you how much money they've lost and how they are trying to recover it? Are they still providing advice and strategies? They aren't because when the autosurf industry is strong, its actually hard to lose money. Whether you tell people to diversify, or to invest only in one company, the advice will appear to work. It's only when the industry is not going strong that people follow the old advice which once seemed to work, and effectively flush their money down the toilet.

I'm dedicating this article to the people who are scratching their head this year. The people who've consistently lost money in nearly every surf site of 2006 and wonder what is going on. We can't blame Stormpay any longer, we can't blame e-gold or SEC regulations so I'm going to tell you exactly why the odds are so hugely stacked against you this year.

1) Due Diligence DOES NOT work.

Due Diligence was the pompous buzzword of 2005. Every forum post required it to be used to assert your status as an autosurf elite. It means "do proper research about a company" before you invest.

Due Diligence makes some very dangerous assumptions

- It assumes that if you know the name and contact details of a webmaster they will never run away.

- It assumes that the webmaster is competent.

- It assumes that it is hard to falsify DD documents.

2) People are Wrongly Petrified of the Word Ponzi' Because they Associate it with 12DailyPro's Collapse.

Before 12DailyPro was around last year, people were not really concerned about how an autosurf made money. Suddenly this Ponzi word began infecting everything to do with autosurfing. People began to associate 12DailyPro with Ponzis with losing all their money. The case is MUCH more complex than that. If it were that simple then other autosurfs would have been hauled in front of the SEC too and this has not happened.

People are convincing themselves that autosurfs are trading in forex, investing in offline opportunites are living a dangerous lie. I'll leave it again until another time to explain exactly how an autosurf makes money but for now don't let autosurfs blindside you with this kind of rubbish. A company declaring links with forex traders is much more likely to be a scam than one which keeps its operations more private.

3) People Confuse Reputation With Competence.

People seem to be connecting experience in a forum with an ability to run an autosurf.

Haven't you noticed that all these new autosurfs and HYIPs are being run by people with no experience at all in running sites. Why do you believe they will learn the ropes and excel?

4) Diversification Doesn't Work if There are no Good Companies Around

There have been times this year where there has not been even one autosurf worth investing in. Often it is worth getting out of the market for a few months until something credible appears again. If we'd have all done that since January, imagine how much we might have saved.

5) People Believe That Low % Autosurf Sites Are More Stable Than High Percentage Sites

I remember last year hearing a respected autosurf commentator explaining that sites offering 1% interest per day for a year should be considered as bankers'. He was explaining that they are much more stable that high % short-term sites. How many 1% for 1 year sites do you see now? How many of them are being advertised or are attracting attention? There's about three I can think of and not one would get noticed in a forum.

6) People Still Have Blind Faith in AutoSurf Owners

I'd argue that during 2005 nearly every autosurf owner began their website with the best intentions in mind. They genuinely thought that they'd be able to pay members and keep the site running. I argue that this year the story is different. People have come to realize that when a site closes it is the owner who comes out smiling at the members expense. I believe that some companies (perhaps CompactSurf) set off with a financial target in mind. When they got a certain dollar value in their e-gold account they decided to close. It really is impossible to read the mind of the autosurf webmasters and there is nothing at all you can do about it.

7) People are Still Following Tipsters Like Sheep

Nothing makes me more angry at how irresponsible HYIP and Autosurf commentators have become. Read most of the autosurf blog sites, or read some of the emails that you get from those people and you'll recognize that there is ALWAYS one company being marketed. As I said, there can be (and there have been) times where not one HYIP or autosurf is credible. Most of the bloggers take the least-bad company and market that. As soon as it has problems they switch their downline into another company, collecting their commissions on the way.

The most common question I'm asked is "Which autosurfs should I invest in?" My standard reply is invest in the industry leader and nothing else. I'll define this industry leader later, but I'm keen to keep this article academic and don't wish to go off-track. Most people are disappointed by my reply.

They were expecting me to whisper a company name in their ear and magically unleash the next way they can make millions. I could pander to demands and reel off the company that pays me the highest referral commission but I very much want my reputation to last longer than a typical autosurf's lifespan.

To Conclude

* I hope by now you can appreciate just why you've been losing money this year and can see that autosurfing now is very different to how it used to be.

* I do not recommend many companies, simply because it is extremely difficult to predict their motives and their future.

* A wise investor will not search for opportunities which really do not exist.

* I have not yet completed an article about what new strategy you should adopt .. but it is in my to-do list. If you understand the gravity of my arguments here then this update is essential reading.

Copyright (c) 2006 Martin PavionAngele Blog37115
Alexi Blog86986

After Bankruptcy, Rebuild Your Credit Before Buying Real Estate

You have gone through bankruptcy and you do not owe anyone. Now is the perfect time to purchase that home you have always wanted right? Wrong! Yes, you can probably locate a real estate mortgage lender, since you cannot declare chapter 7 bankruptcy again for at least 6 years. The problem is that you will pay the highest finance charges for the privilege of obtaining that real estate mortgage, charges that will extend over the life of the real estate loan.

Before even looking at real estate, get your credit straightened up first. The bankruptcy will appear on all three of your credit reports from seven-to-ten years, which will make you a higher risk to real estate lenders. You cannot do anything about this; however, you can show real estate lenders that you are handling credit much better now by rebuilding it. This can lower your risk factor, when obtaining a real estate mortgage. Using the following improvement steps, you actually can rebuild your credit in a relatively short time.

First, get copies of your credit report from the credit agencies, and clean them up. You have the right to one free report from all three agencies annually, which can be obtained through www.annualcreditreport.com.

Ensure that creditors, who were listed in your bankruptcy, have cleared their information from your credit reports. Otherwise, it will appear as if you still owe them money and are not paying.

Ensure any creditors not listed in your bankruptcy and you are paying regularly have been reporting your good credit record to all three agencies. Contact any not reporting this and ask them to do so. This will increase your chances of getting a loan for your real estate.

If there was a specific event or cause for your bankruptcy, you can add up to a 100-word explanation to your credit report at each agency. The real estate lender will get this explanation as part of your credit report.

It will look especially good to real estate lenders if you have received credit counseling, and the counseling will help you in several ways. A good credit counseling agency will help you create a budget and counsel you in how to use and stick to it. They offer counseling on using credit in your future, as well as how to re-establish your credit. They can help you move toward your goal of buying real estate. Once you have successfully completed credit counseling, ask them for something in writing to that effect. It can help when applying for your real estate loan

The problem is finding a reputable agency. Some are downright questionable. Here are a few ideas to assist you in locating a reputable agency:

They should be a member of either the National Foundation for Credit Counseling or the Association of Independent Consumer Credit Counseling Agencies. Both are national trade associations.

Agencies approved by the U.S. Trustees office (part of the Department of Justice) are good agencies. You can see those for your area at: http://www.usdoj.gov/ust/eo/bapcpa/ccde/cc_approved.htm.

Interview the agencies, asking what they offer and the cost for each service. Good agencies should meet with you for 60-to-90 minutes, reviewing your financial situation and offering budgeting advice before doing any credit repair.

Ask for costs in writing from the agency you choose. They should charge around $50 or less, with budget counseling sessions for less than $20 each.

Steer clear of those who push their debt management program, where they want you to pay all your remaining creditors through them.

Check http://www.ftc.gov/bcp/conline/pubs/credit/fiscal.htm for more ideas from the Federal Trade Commission.

Use the credit counseling agencies to help you rebuild your credit the right way. It can take less than a year to achieve; yet, it will make a big difference when you obtain that real estate mortgage.

John Harris is an expert researcher and writer on real estate topics such as economics, credit improvement tips, home selling advice and home buying preparations. For more on San Diego Homes for Sale visit http://www.twtrealestate.comAnn Blog73831
Audie Blog966

Where To Get Money For A Franchise Idea

How often have you thumbed through a business opportunity magazine, noticed a franchise opportunity advertisement, and felt you'd really like to get in on that...if only you had the money? If you're like most who are seeking greater opportunity and wealth, this probably happens with you more often than you care to admit, except perhaps in strictly private conversations.

When the average person sees one of these opportunities, or comes up with a similar idea of his own, the problems of start-up capital may seem formidable. But in reality, they may not be. In fact, just about anyone with a good credit record and an "insider's sense of business" can get the capital he or she needs, whenever it's needed. The secret is in knowing how to put together a proper proposal, and to present it to the right per son. These are the "how-to" instructions we're going to give you in this report.

The first thing you're going to need is a complete business plan. This is a complete and detailed description of exactly how you intend to operate the proposed business. Your business plan should detail precisely the product or products you plan to sell; how you're going to produce or manufacture the product; your costs (inventory costs if you're purchasing them from a supplier); who is going to sell those products for you; how they're going to be sold; the attendant costs; when you expect to recoup your initial investment; your plans for growth or expansion; and the total dollar amount you're going to need to make it all work according to your plan. Your business plan must be detailed - complete with projected income and expense figures - through at least the first three years of business.

Now, assuming you have your business plan all worked out, put together and ready for presentation with your request for capital, let's talk about your capitalization proposal.

First, keep in mind that whenever you ask somebody for money, whether it's for a small personal loan or a large amount of money to finance a business, you're involved in a selling situation. You have to prepare a "sales presentation" just as if you were getting ready to sell an automobile or refrigerator. Within this sales presentation you must have all the facts and figures; you must anticipate the questions and the possible objections of the prospective lender with answers or explanations; and you must "package" it as impressively as you would yourself for an audience with the president of IBM or General Motors.

The more money you ask for, the more "in-the-know" will be the people you want to borrow from, and so the more detailed and organized your proposal must be. This shouldn't cause you too much worry however, because you can hire a CPA to help you put it together properly, once you've got the facts and have a business plan he can work from. See Http://workathomecoop.com

Look at it this way: The more money you request for your business, the more your lenders or prospective investors are going to want to know about you, your planning, and your business. They want to be impressed with the fact that you've done your homework; they want to see that you've researched everything and documented your facts and figures; they want to be assured by your presentation that investing in your business will make money for them. It's just that simple at the bottom line. Unless you can instill confidence in them with your business plan and loan or investment proposal, they're just not going to give much positive thought to your request for capitalization.

So you'll need a balance sheet describing your net worth - the worth of what you own compared to the amount of money you owe. You'll also have to prove your stability and money-management talents relative to how successful you've been in paying off past obligations. If you have had credit problems in the past, get them "cleaned up", or at least explained on your file at your local credit bureau office. Under the law, credit bureaus are required to give you all the information they have about you in their files, and it's your right to correct any errors or enter explanations regarding negative reports on your credit. Do this without fail because prospective lenders or investors will definitely check your credit history.

So, now you have your balance sheet prepared; your credit history organized in a light that's favorable to you; your business plan (with costs and income projected over the coming three years), you're ready to start looking for lenders or investors.

Almost all franchisors offer help in setting up with one of their franchises. Most will go out of their way to assist you in getting the financing you need. Some will lend you the entire amount, with payments coming out of the income they expect you to make from their franchise operation. Many will carry this loan themselves, while others will carry part of it and find you a lender to finance the remainder.

Franchisors have two objectives in mind when they offer franchises to the public: They are trying to expand their operation, thus increasing their profit, and they are trying to raise capital for themselves. Generally speaking, if you have a good credit history, and if they feel you have the necessary business personality to achieve success with one of their operations, they'll do everything within their power to get you in a franchise outlet. Keep this in mind the next time you see an advertisement for a promising franchise opportunity requiring a substantial amount of cash outlay. You don't necessarily have to have all the money. They want you, and they'll help you!

Many people seem to be unaware that most of today's largest corporations started on a shoestring - on borrowed money. Many people seem to feel that unless they've got it all "in hand" in savings, then they'll just have to keep plugging away until they can save up enough to take the big plunge. Nothing could be farther from the truth. Just a quick bit of research will show that 999 out of every 1,000 businesses were begun on borrowed money.

Look to your family and friends for financial help. Approach them in a business-like manner; tell them about your idea or plans, and ask them for a loan. Agree to sign a formal statement to pay them back in three, five or ten years, with interest.

When you have your proposal assembled, you might even want to think of a limited partnership or even a general partnership arrangement as a way to finance your project. In any kind of partnership, each partner shares in the profits of the company, but in a limited partnership, each person's loss liability is limited to the amount of money he initially invested. The truth is, in this kind of a situation, you'll be doing all the work and sharing your gain with your partners, but then it's a fairly sure way to obtain needed financing.

Another common method of obtaining business financing is through second mortgage loans on a home or existing piece of property. Say you purchased a home ten years ago for $35,000, and today the assessed valuation is $85,000, with a mortgage of $25,000 still outstanding. A lender may consider your home to be security or collateral for a loan up to $60,000. In many instances, this is the easiest and surest way of getting the money needed for franchise or other business investment. And, it makes sense; you've got "net worth" available that is doing nothing but sitting there. Take this equity and invest it in a worthwhile business, and you could double or triple your net worth each year for the rest of your life.

Deciding to obtain a second mortgage on your home in order to finance a business opportunity is without doubt a major decision, but if you are sure about your investment project, and are determined to succeed, you owe it to yourself to go ahead. You could incorporate yourself, borrow money from your family through a second mortgage on your home, and protect against the loss of your home through the Federal Home stead Act. The important point here is that all business opportunities involve risk and sacrifice. It's up to you to determine the feasibility of your success with your proposed venture, then decide on the best way possible to proceed.

In every instance where you run into reluctance on the part of a lender to lend you the money you need, explore the feasibilities of "two-name" or "co-signed" loans. You can have the franchisor sign with you, or one of your suppliers, a business associate or even a friend. Oftentimes you can borrow or rent collateral such as stocks, bonds, time certificates, business equipment or real estate, and in this way give greater confidence to the lender in you r abilities to repay the loan. Whenever you can show a contract from someone who has agreed to purchase a certain number of your products or services over a specified period of time, you have another important piece of paper that most lenders will accept as collateral. Still an other possibility might be to get a bank or a firm that has loaned you money in the past to guarantee your loan. They simply guarantee that they'll lend you money in the future if ever the need should arise.

Going straight to you neighborhood bank, applying for a business loan and walking out with the money is just about the most unlikely of all your possibilities. Banks want to lend money, and they must lend money in order to stay in business, but most banks are notoriously conservative and extremely reluctant to lend you money unless you have a "regular income" that "guarantees" repayment. If and when you approach a bank for a business loan, you'll need all your papers in order - your financial statement, your business plan, credit history and all the endorsements you can get relative to your succeeding with your planned enterprise. In addition, it would be a good idea to take along your accountant just to assure the banker that your plan is verifiable. In the end, you'll find that it all boils down to whether or not the bank officer studying your application is sold on you as a good credit risk. Thus you must impress the banker - not only with your proposal, but with your appearance and personality as well. In dealing with bankers, never show an attitude of doubt or apology. Always be positive and sure of yourself. However, don't come on so strong to them that you're either demanding or overbearing. Just look good, know your stuff, and project an attitude of determination to succeed.

Your best bet, in attempting to get a business loan from a bank, is to deal with commercial banks. These are the banks that specialize in investment loans for going businesses, real estate construction, and even venture programs. Look in the yellow pages of your telephone or business directories; call and ask for an appointment with the manager; and then explore with him the possibilities of a loan for your project. One of the "nice things" about commercial banks is that even though they may not be able to approve a loan for your business ideas, they will almost always give you a list of names of business people who might be interested in looking over your proposal for investment purposes.

A lot of commercial banks stage investment lectures and seminars for the general public. If you find one that does, attend. You'll meet a lot of local business people, some of whom may be able to and interested in helping you with your business plans.

When you're looking for money to move on a business deal, it does not really matter where the money comes from, or how it all comes about. It's important that you get the money, and at terms that are suitable to you. Thus, don't overlook the possibilities of an advertisement for a lender or investor in your local papers. Place your ad as well in national publications reaching people looking for investments. Other avenues to seriously consider are foundations that offer grants, local dental and medical investment groups, legal investment groups, business associations, trust companies and other groups or organizations looking for tax shelters.

Basically, it isn't a good idea to go to a finance company or other commercial lender of this type for a business loan. The most obvious reason is the high interest rates you have to pay. These companies borrow money from larger money lenders, and then turn around and lend it to you at a higher interest rate than they pay. Herein lies the means by which they make money from granting loans to you. The more it costs them to provide the money for you, the more it's going to cost you to borrow their money. The only element in your favor when borrowing from one of these agencies is that most will generally lend you money against collateral other lenders just won't accept. Insurance companies, pension funds, and commercial paper houses are not too out of sight with their interest rates, but they generally will not even consider talking to you unless you're requesting $500,000 or more. They'll also pretty much require that your business proposal be backed by the best possible plan.

Finally, the bottom line is this: You must have a well-researched and detailed business plan; you must have all your documents and projections put together in an impressive presentation; and then, you will have to be the one who does the final selling of your proposal to the investor or lender. This means your appearance, personality and attitude, because - make no mistake about it - before anyone lends you any size able amount of money, they're going to want to take a close look at you personally before they hand over the money.

Actually, the different ways of financing a franchise opportunity are as many and varied as your own creativity. The sources of obtaining money are virtually limitless, and available to anyone with an idea.

One word of caution before you jump into any franchise purchase agreement: The price you pay to participate in a franchise operation is not always the total cost involved in getting the business off the ground. With some franchise operations, you may find other costs such as down payments on the purchase of property, building construction costs, remodeling or site improvements, equipment, fixtures, signs, advertising, and training. Virtually all franchise deals require that in addition to the purchase price or the license fee of the franchise, you're required to give a certain percentage of your gross business income to the franchisor, plus extra payments for promotion and administrative costs. Above all else, before you get involved in a franchise, or any business venture for that matter, make sure you've conducted a complete and thorough investigation of the opportunity presented. If it's a good deal, then go with it; but if you have any doubts or feel as though you're getting in over your head, back off and look around for something not quite so ambitious, or perhaps expensive.

There are a lot of good franchise opportunities, and some not so good. It's important that you be sure of what you're investing in, and that you can make money with it. From there, preparing the proper business plan and the necessary financing, while not always a snap, can be done. Now's the time to do it! We wish you outstanding success with your franchise business.

Andrew Adams writes for http://www.magfranchise.org where you can find out more about franchising and other topics.Atlanta Blog83706
Arlyne Blog37633

Home Remodelling Loan And Checklist Before Picking A Home Remodelling Loan

On one weekend, a Saturday in particular, I decided to attend a seminar on home remodelling. I Usually prefer to call it home renovation. It was basically for the elderly people.

Am not in the elderly bracket but I decided to attend anyway because I was feeling a bit lonely and wanted to be occupied. On looking around the room, I saw that most people were in my age group.

Think it is because they have to meet most of the cost for refinancing the renovation of the home of their old ones.

This seminar turned out to be good to me and at the end I was convinced it was a good take.

In this seminar, it was revealed that research so far shows this:

It will probably cost anywhere from $100,000 to $150,000 to do a good renovation of a house for the elderly. This seems a staggering amount, until you consider that it would cost them from $3,000 to $5,000 per month if they were to rent a unit in a retirement facility in a location where they might not be as happy. Looking at it from that point of view, in four years or less, they would have spent the money anyway, and at least making home improvements allows them to continue to live in the same location and keep their asset.

The biggest challenge many older adults face when renovating their homes is how to pay for them. Many are on fixed incomes with few resources. Their property may have increased in value, but they are cash-poor.

During this seminar, a flyer was distributed that provided a telephone number for the city and county Elderly Affairs Division Rehabilitation Loan Program. Many cities have similar funds available as a means to assist individuals to stay in their own homes, rather than move to more costly facilities.

I learnt that the loan program was available to a person or family requiring home modifications, based on a health or safety need. The home loan program required that an application be submitted with information about the number of persons living in the household and their combined annual income. This information was then used to determine the interest rate for the loan. For example, for combined incomes of less than $41,000 or so, the interest rate was 2 percent; for less than $52,000, 4 percent; and so on.

Another thing I learnt is that you can also have an option, which is that of a reverse mortgage. A reverse mortgage is a special type of home loan that lets a homeowner convert a portion of the equity in his or her own home into cash. The equity built up over years of home mortgage payments can be paid to the owner, but unlike traditional home equity loans or second mortgages, no repayment is required until the borrower no longer uses the home as the principal residence.

Reverse mortgages are available through different lenders, as well as HUD. There are some property restrictions, but single-family homes, two-to-four-unit properties, condominium units, townhouses, and some manufactured homes are eligible. Generally, the greater the value of the home, the older the owners, the lower the interest rates, and the more one can borrow. This is good news right now, with interest rates so low, and it is an opportunity for your patients who have a higher annual income that disqualifies them from other programs. And if they live in an area of the country where land or home values are traditionally higher, such as Hawaii or New York, it may be the best option available for refinancing.

Given the sheer amount you have to invest or borrow, here is a checklist before you decide on any renovation project.

Consider the following before you decide how to finance your home improvement project:

-Talk to lenders about your options.

- Know that lenders are concerned about income, debts, credit history and property value.

-Consider a secured loan when you want to borrow more money, get a lower interest rate or reduce taxes.

-Refinance an existing loan if you have enough equity and if the rates are two points lower now than when you initially borrowed the money.

-Use a home equity line of credit that is secured by your home so youre your interest is tax deductible.

-Take out a home equity loan to get fixed rates and payments.

-Consider a homeowner loan that is secured by your property. Use a value added loan when the improvement you make will have a substantial impact on the market value of your home.

-Do your research before using contractor financing.

Good Luck

Get more information on home loans and home remodelling by Lubowa.M.Planet. Visit Home Loans and mortagewebsite.

Get more information on home loans and home remodelling by Lubowa.M.Planet. Visit http://www.softerdreams.org OR http://www.softerdreams.org/how_To_shop_for_low_interest_only_mortgages.htm.Amber Blog69726
Babs Blog53243

IT Outsourcing

Software companies are required to produce lots of software products for their clients. These software products being used for giant organizations such as airlines, banks, financial institutions, big corporate houses and various government bodies, where lots of data being stored and updated every day. IT (Information Technology) software companies in US, Canada and Europe who are taking up these projects require massive investment in infrastructure as well as huge manpower to work on them.

This is competitive world and every industry wants to be very competitive in every business. So is IT software industry. To cut the labor costs, IT software companies are increasingly outsourcing their jobs to developing countries in Asia, Latin American, Africa and Middle East. Since cost saving is the prime objective of IT software firms, it is estimated nearly 50% of IT software jobs being outsourced to developing nations..

Most of the jobs outsourced are creating software in .Net, Java/J2EE, database solutions, smartcard solution and wireless/mobile application developments. BPO (Business Process Outsourcing) are also helping their foreign clients in voice and non-voice solutions, customer care, data management and so on. Outsourcing firms hire well educated English speaking young staff, who are energetic and willing to work in shifts. These outsourcing companies charge very economical hourly rates and most of them are working even less than $7/- per hour, which is much lower than standard hourly charges in U.S.

India has taken the lead in IT outsourcing jobs. Its Bangalore city is now said to be Mecca of IT industry. With favorable government policies and substantial investment in infrastructure are making India as the great attraction for IT software outsourcing jobs. By outsourcing their IT jobs to India, U.S., Canadian and European companies will not only save labor costs but this will also help them to be more competitive, concentrate more on core competent areas and enjoy tax benefits. Once the IT software jobs are outsourced, companies can concentrate on marketing, advertising, launching of new products, finding new customers and so on.

Please do visit at http://www.kpoasia.com to know more about outsourcing.

Scott Naxton is a freelance journalist having experience of many years writing articles and news releases on businesses like outsourcing, internet marketing, health and insurance. He is also associated with http://www.kpoasia.comAurelia Blog78332
Ailey Blog35592

Plants From Seed - Adapting To A Future World

After a plant has grown to maturity it will aim to produce an abundance of seed in order to create a new generation of plants. Annual plants complete this process then die within a year, biennials require 2 years to complete their life cycle and perennials can survive for many years.

Not only do seeds perpetuate the species into the future, more importantly they create a variety of individual seedlings. Some of these individuals will be more successful at surviving changes in the environment and as a result the species is able to adapt to new environments.

Plants grown from cuttings are essentially clones of a parent plant. This is a very useful feature when plants are grown as crops, but a serious weakness in the wild. The reduced ability of clones to adapt to changes in the environment increases their chances of becoming extinct. Hence in nature seed production is vital to the survival of flowering plants.

Over long periods of time seeds that are the result of sexual reproduction will allow for the evolution of new forms of plants and eventually new species. This process is happening at the moment throughout the world. This allows the plant world to replace the species that could not adapt to climatic and environmental changes leading to their extinction. Many plant species are close to extinction for natural as well as man made reasons and these are classified as endangered.

Practical use of seed production can be made on the hobby farm. Apart from growing crops the farmer can also be a hobby plant breeder. I plan to do this with olives. Each year I plan to grow a large number of seedlings and select some according to their foliage. Eventually I may find a seedling that will have the type of foliage I am looking for and this plant can be developed into a new ornamental olive variety. The same principle can be used when developing new olive fruits, but the process will take much longer as there is a need to wait until the seedlings produce a crop.

Another interesting area of seedling production is in the production of plant hybrids. These can be produced when two closely related species are cross-pollinated. This may result in a new plant with features of both parents. An example of a hybrid is the plumcot. This was produced when an apricot and plum were crossed. This process also takes a long time in order to assess the features of the hybrids, but this is an important activity carried out by plant breeders in research centers. I have always wanted to cross a cherry and a plum in order to come up with a cherry- plum hybrid that is easier to grow in Melbourne then the current cherry varieties.

Maybe you can be the proud breeder of a new mouth watering fruit or vegetable and possibly make some money from royalties. Make up your plan, be patient and persistent, set your imagination alight!

Ben Tan is a close associate of Alf, the proud owner of a hobby farm in Australia. Ben helps Alf to launch the website www.farmforfun.com to share his wealth of knowledge and experiences on hobby farming. Ben is also in the process of helping Alf to publish an eBook on his writings. This article on seed is taken from Alf's Hobby farm site at http://farmforfun.com/Plants_From_Seed.html.Alica Blog67319
Alyce Blog56982

Freelance Writers: 14 Tried & True Ways to Make More Money

1. Subcontract from Others: Many freelancers forget this strategy, or dont use it because they are reluctant to contact other freelancers because they are the competition.

However, many successful freelancers often get overwhelmed and need help. To make the contact professional and non-threatening, say something like the following:

Dear Ms./Mr. Smith:

I noted from your website that you are a copywriter specializing in corporate finance. I read several of your articles and your list of clients. I was impressed with the quality of your work and the breadth of your experience.

Im contacting you today because I would like to form a mutual alliance, eg, if you are ever in need of help on a project, or need a reliable person to outsource work to, feel free to contact me.

FYI, I am a copywriter specializing in general finance. I have written on everything from mutual funds to personal wealth management (samples at www.mywebsite.com). A list of references attesting to my professionalism and reliability can be forwarded at your request.

If I ever come across a project I cant handle, I wouldnt hesitate to recommend you. I look forward to hearing from you.

Yuwanda Black
P.S.: I advise contact via email, and a follow up with a phone call after about a week.

P.P.S.: The first paragraph of this correspondence is particularly important. You want to establish that you know what they do and have taken the time to review their website and several samples of their work.

This does two things: 1) it lets them know that you are not just collecting addresses and sending out a form letter to everyone; and 2) by doing this, it shows your professionalism. For added measure, you may even want to mention the title of several pieces of their work that you have read. This makes them much more likely to contact you.

NOTE: When you subcontract, the pay is probably going to be much less than what youd make if youd garnered the assignment on your own, but hey, its a job a job that you didnt have to market for.

2. Build Basic Websites: With all the ready to go software available now, there is no reason that freelance writers cant build basic websites for clients.

Most clients just want a web presence. Template software makes it as simple as clicking and adding text (which you already provide anyway). As a one-stop resource, this is an easy service to add to your existing business.

Nervous about delving into this realm? Dont know HTML from a hole in the ground? Dont want/need to learn anything about building websites? Guess what? You dont have to.

Team up with a web design company and/or another freelancer who offers this service and outsource it. You can pay them the full fee, or get a cut off the top of every client you refer to them. Either way, its a good vehicle for bringing in more clients.

3. Target a Business Niche: Most freelancers know that the real money to be made is in the business community, ie, commercial writing. But, with so many types of businesses to target, it can be hard to focus.

Solution: Target a niche. For example, I target realtors and mortgage brokers. Why? Because I have been both in my professional career. Hence, I know a lot about these markets.

The best way to find a niche is to start with your professional/personal background and write down all of your skills and knowledge in each particular area. If you dont find a suitable niche from this exercise, try your hobbies.

No luck in hobbyland? Try what you would like to learn about/have an interest in. What makes freelance writing so exciting these days is that with the advent of the Internet, its easier than ever to research a particular niche and gain a wealth of knowledge in a relatively short period of time.

So, no matter where you are skill wise, dont let lack of experience be a barrier to targeting a market.

4. Have More than One Income Stream: However, try to make your second income stream compatible with your first.

Eg, build websites; create an e-book and sell it via Clickbank.com, or on your own website; create your own line of writing paraphernalia (eg, t-shirts, cups, mouse pads) on cafepress.com do logo design the possibilities are endless.

5. Become a Resource for Others: I forget who said the following, but to paraphrase: To get what you want, help others get what they want. Ie, become a go-to resource. How?

Build a website with helpful resources and links

Participate in forums and ask questions

Have a helpful Q&A on your website

Publish an industry must know list

Create a forum on your website

The list is endless on how to go about this.

But, once you are known for being a resource, you become the go-to person, the industry guru.

NOTE: This is a roundabout way of getting business and takes a longer time, but over time, the amount of business it can bring in is immeasurable. Projects will seem to come to you effortlessly once you build up this kind of reputation.

6. Develop a Marketing Plan: When I first started freelancing, I was doing a lot of work in the legal field, because that was my background.

Not relying solely on freelancing, I just kind of took what came my way, eg, I didnt devise a marketing plan. Once I decided that I really wanted to make a go of it, I finally did this.

Drawing on all of my experience and what I liked to write about, I decided to target the real estate and mortgage industries. I wrote 5 articles within each specialty and developed brochures and postcards introducing myself as a freelance copywriter specializing in newsletters for real estate and mortgage professionals.

Focusing my marketing efforts did two really important things for my business: 1) it DECREASED my advertising budget; and 2) it INCREASED my income. How?

Focus helped me to hone in on a specific market. Not trying to be everything to everyone, I could deliver a concise message to a defined group. Therefore, I spent less.

I increased my income by being more productive. I could sit down and pump out 10 articles at a time because I knew the industries I was targeting. I always had a cache of new material on hand. And, the old material I had could be rewritten with a different slant, then sold.

As demonstrated here, writing for a defined market saves time (eg, reslanting old material and writing numerous articles at once). This goes directly to the bottom line, which leads to my next point.

7. Market Incessantly: When freelancing, time literally is money. You should always be marketing for new clients. When you are busy, its easy to forget this.

The one thing I like about writing for a defined market is that you have so much more time to market for new clients, because, as outlined above, the work flow is so much smoother.

In conclusion, the problem many of us have when we encounter a list is that we try to do everything on it and wind up not doing any of them well.

So, take 1-2 ideas from the above and really own it (work it!) and watch your income increase.

Stay tuned for Part 2 of this article tomorrow.

May be reprinted with the following, in full:

Yuwanda Black is the publisher of http://www.InkwellEditorial.com: THE business portal for and about the editorial and creative industries. First-hand freelance success stories, e-courses, job postings, resume tips, advice on the business of freelancing, and more! Launch a Profitable Freelance Writing Career in 30 Days or Less -- Guaranteed! Log on to http://InkwellEditorial.com to learn how.Aurilia Blog88629
Alyce Blog12872

Using The Internet At Home Is Becoming One Of The Best Ways To Earn An Extra Income.

Everyone could use some extra cash these days. Have you ever thought about ways to make money at home online? We're not talking garage sale or lemonade stand here. There are definitely some tried and true ways to make money at home online. This is ideal for single mothers, students, or anyone who would like an extra layer of padding in their pockets.

Using the computer, huh? Hour long surveys about things you'll never use are probably flashing through your mind. Well, interestingly enough, you can make money doing surveys. True, there are some survey sites that will redirect you two hundred times in an attempt to get you to spend your money buying their sponsors' products, but there are also some legitimate ones as well. Big companies need one thing to stay big, and that is their customers. How do they know what their customers want? You tell them. Simple enough, but you need to know how to distinguish between the survey sites that are actually helpful, and which ones just want your money.

Well, if you go searching for survey sites, a useful tip is to look for FREE ones. You obviously don't want to pay to join, and if these people want your opinion badly enough, they're not going to charge. There are even really helpful sites that have compiled the top paying survey sites and list them, providing links for you to go and register. You see, the top paying survey sites only send out a few surveys every so often, but if you're registered with twenty or so sites, you shouldn't have problems finding a survey to do.

You can also consider hub pages. If you like to write, these would definitely be good for you. To start off, you can write about whatever you want. Anything. Sounds easy, right? Well, you write your piece, add a picture or two to dress it up and give your readers a visual, and then adds get placed on your page. For instance, say you decide to write an article about football and the fans. Who doesn't love football? Then you may have an add for a football jersey shop or a link to buy tickets to the big game. The best thing is, you decide how many adds are put on your page. If readers go and buy a product, you make a percentage, and you can write as many as you want.

You may also want to consider other options. You can choose to write articles online for extra money. People who need articles for a variety of reasons submit their needs and writers pick up the subjects and write the articles for a price. Not only are you getting paid, but you get to learn all sorts of things as well. There are even things such as medical billing that can be done online to make extra money...all from your cushy rolling chair!

There are things you need to watch out for, though. Giving out your personal information online can sometimes be like dangling a sausage into a kennel full of pitbulls. There are scam artists around every site corner waiting to snap that information up and go on a shopping spree, sending all the bills to you. Another thing to be wary of are the sites that promise you quick money doing nothing, all after you give them your credit card number of course. Mainly, use your common sense. Be suspicious of the 'ancient get rich spell recently found in the attic of a long dead high priestess.' Trust me, these things are never true. That said, if you're careful and keep a watchful eye out, you can actually make extra money at home, and hopefully have a good time doing it.

Yoshi Kundagawa is a freelance journalist. He writes about entrepreneurs and working from home. You can read his articles about ways to make money at home online, at his blog: http://didyousmellthat.com/main/making-money-takes-a-lot-of-this/Alys Blog69387
Aurea Blog15567

How To Find Good Home Mortgage

While looking for home mortgage loans, you find yourself entitled for lower interest rates if you have healthy credit scores. However, dont assume you will get only a costly loan if you have some credit problems that arose due to illness, or temporary unemployment. You can explain the situation to your lender and chances are higher you will get a less expensive home mortgage. The key here is to open yourself up to available mortgage choices and willingness to do some bargain. Before you submit a loan application be aware of your credit standing by checking your latest credit score with any of the credit rating agencies Equifax, TransUnion or Experian.

In fact, home loans or mortgages are available from banks and thrift companies, mortgage companies, and other financial institutions. Credit unions are also a good source for finding a good home mortgage deal. Shop around to find the best deal. Get details of home mortgage plans by different financial institutions. You can always bargain your way to lower initial payments, fees, and other associated expenses that come in different names.

Including a mortgage broker includes some extra money paid as commission, but it is a good recommendable option. Such a broker will be knowledgeable about interest rates, fees, and other expenses associated with specific home mortgage schemes and will connect you to different lenders. Negotiating with a home mortgage broker can also, in most cases reduce the interest rate. A reduction by 0.5 % or even 0.25 % can make a difference in your monthly pay, which adds up to a good some in a year and major savings by the time you finish paying off the loan. However you are not obliged to any person or firm, and the thing to look for is lowest interest rates, monthly pay, and low to little late payment fee.

Private mortgage insurance (PMI) is a good option you should explore while applying for a home loan. This is actually a way to ensure that the lender doesnt lose money, in case you fail to pay the loan amount. You require PMI whenever you take a loan for more than 80% of the appraised value of the property. This will however put the lender in a more relaxed state to release loan for your property buying requirements. You can in turn build up any loss in credit score during the tenure of the loan. However you continue to pay monthly PMI terms till you own 23 % of total equity or in other words, till you pay 23% of total value of the property the mark is not 20%.

Copyright © 2006 Joel Teo. All rights reserved. (You may publish this article in its entirety with the following author's information with live links only.)

Joel Teo writes on various financial topics relating to arizona estate goodyear investment real. Signup for his free online Real Estate Investing newsletter today and gain access to the Six Day Real Estate Investment Profits Course now at http://www.realestateinvestment101.info/Arizona.htmlAmandi Blog57640
Anette Blog31992

Homeowner Debt Consolidation Loan: Showing The Right Way

If you are homeowner and looking for an external finance to consolidate the numerous debts then click on to homeowner debt consolidation loan. Any individual who is a homeowner is eligible for the loan and can borrow amount easily to disburden the pile of debts. The loan is offered and can be approved in both traditional and online procedure by filling the form with details of personal and credit history.

It mater less how and from which sources you have accumulated the debts, but homeowner debt consolidation loan concentrates on how you can discontinue them by offering loan and services. All your miscellaneous debts can be nullified in a single amount and result in a positive impact by providing relief from all the irritating phone calls and comments of the creditors. Advantages and benefits of homeowner debt consolidation loan can be obtained by placing property as collateral. Because of this secured feature homeowner debt consolidation loan carry a low rate of interest and long repayment tenure which makes the monthly repayments easy and affordable. The less monthly payments cut down the variable rate of interest, which you might be paying to different creditors for your debts. Such a slash in the interest rates will definitely empower your financial condition and can directly create an atmosphere to rebuild or restore it.

Any debtor is eligible to borrow homeowner debt consolidation loans by placing collateral and can borrow amount from 5,000-75,000 for 5-75 years. Having a reliable and satisfactory credit profile and placing of higher equity might facilitate debtors to borrow more amount than mentioned. Numerous lenders exist in the market that are ready to advance loan instantly and at reasonable rates. But collecting and comparing the various offers and quotes will lead him to get a rational and according to budget loan. Homeowner debt consolidation loan designed after speculations and assumptions which are entirely committed to erase the debts and improve the financial score of debtors.

Antonio Vargas has been associated with Student Loan Debt Consolidation. His articles provide you useful knowledge to find the right financial product at the right price. To find homeowner debt consolidation loan, student loan consolidation, consolidate loan student, debt consolidation loan student visit http://www.studentloandebtconsolidation.co.uk/Averil Blog65013
Ada Blog85176

Cheers (Season 2) DVD Review

One of the greatest television comedies in history, Cheers is an absolute "must see" for anyone who's ever had a regular hangout "where everybody knows your name". The shows centers itself around the friendly neighborhood Boston bar named Cheers. The bar is owned by former Boston Red Sox relief pitcher Sam Malone (Ted Danson). Sam has three employees - bartender Ernie "Coach" Pantusso (Nicholas Colasanto) and waitresses Carla Tortelli (Rhea Pearlman) and Diane Chambers (Shelley Long). Regular barflies Norm Peterson (George Wendt) and Cliff Clavin (John Ratzenberger) round out a strong supporting cast.

The Cheers (Season 2) DVD offers a number of hilarious episodes and ignites Sam and Diane's long-lasting, on-again/off-again romance. This is also the first season in which Cliff Clavin is an "opening-credits" member of the cast (even though he appeared in most of season one's episodes). Guest appearances by Fred Dryer (of Hunter fame), Dick Cavett, Harry Anderson (of Night Court fame), and Christopher Lloyd (of Taxi and Back To The Future fame) make for some memorable comic sequences. The season ends with Sam and Diane's romance on shaky ground

Below is a list of episodes included on the Cheers (Season 2) DVD:

Episode 23 (Power Play) Air Date: 09-29-1983
Episode 24 (Little Sister Don't Cha) Air Date: 10-13-1983
Episode 25 (Personal Business) Air Date: 10-20-1983
Episode 26 (Homicidal Ham) Air Date: 10-27-1983
Episode 27 (Sumner's Return) Air Date: 11-03-1983
Episode 28 (Affairs of the Heart) Air Date: 11-10-1983
Episode 29 (Old Flames) Air Date: 11-17-1983
Episode 30 (Manager Coach) Air Date: 11-24-1983
Episode 31 (They Called Me Mayday) Air Date: 12-01-1983
Episode 32 (How Do I Love Thee, Let Me Call You Back) Air Date: 12-08-1983
Episode 33 (Just Three Friends) Air Date: 12-15-1983
Episode 34 (Where There's A Will) Air Date: 12-22-1983
Episode 35 (Battle of the Exes) Air Date: 01-05-1984
Episode 36 (No Help Wanted) Air Date: 01-12-1984
Episode 37 (And Coachie Makes Three) Air Date: 01-19-1984
Episode 38 (Cliff's Rocky Moment) Air Date: 01-26-1984
Episode 39 (Fortune and Men's Weight) Air Date: 02-02-1984
Episode 40 (Snow Job) Air Date: 02-09-1984
Episode 41 (Coach Buries a Grudge) Air Date: 02-16-1984
Episode 42 (Norman's Conquest) Air Date: 02-23-1984
Episode 43 (I'll Be Seeing You: Part 1) Air Date: 05-03-1984
Episode 44 (I'll Be Seeing You: Part 2) Air Date: 05-10-1984

Britt Gillette is author of The DVD Report, a blog where you can find where you can find more reviews of movies and TV series. Source: http://thedvdreport.blogspot.com/2006/02/cheers-season-2-dvd.html.Auria Blog5766
Aggi Blog56821

What Will Be the Hottest Christmas Toys of 2006?

The hottest Christmas toys for 2006 will soon be hitting the shelves, and some are already on them. Remember the Furby, Tickle-Me Elmo, Beanie Babies and Cabbage Patch Kids? They were the hottest Christmas toys from past holidays.

Almost every holiday season, there are a few special toys that everyone wants for Christmas -- and no one can seem to find.

If you want to make sure you have the hottest Christmas toys of 2006 under your Christmas tree, you should start thinking about shopping for them now.

Unfortunately, there's a problem -- you don't yet know what they are!

Well, I have a special "heads up" on what the hot Christmas toys of the season may be, and I'm more than willing to share the info with you. (My friends and I at WowChristmasGifts.com and ChristmasRants.com have done really well at predicting the hottest Christmas toys for the past several years.)

PlayStation 3

For gamers with a big budget, the Sony PlayStation 3 is going to be number one on the wish list. Featuring Internet functions and the new blu-ray technology, PlayStation 3 is like no other gaming system ever on the market.

Just remember, while this is definitely going to be one of THE hottest Christmas toys of 2006, it is also going to be one of the most expensive. When the PlayStation is released this November, expect it to have a price tag of $500 to $600.

Nintendo's Wii

If you do have a gaming fan on your Christmas list but $500 is out of the question, you may want to look into Nintendo's Wii. At just $250, it's half the price of the PlayStation 3 and it is actually the very first game system ever to make it to Toys R Us's Hot Toy List for 2006.

It's not hard to see why the Wii is going to be one of the hottest Christmas toys of 2006. The remote-like controller allows players to swing it like a bat, sword or tennis racket to create a truly interactive game play environment.

We predict it is also going to be a big hit with people who are not traditionally gamers, because my of the games are not the standard type of games.

Elmo TMX

Remember when Tickle Me Elmo dolls couldn't stay on the shelves for more than a moment? Remember the long lines -- and the cat fights between parents?

Well, somehow Fischer Price has done it again with Elmo TMX!

Tickle Me Elmo TMX was just released this month and while parents aren't physically fighting over them this time around, the lines have been long, and the stores have been selling out as quickly as they can get them in.

You can read more about why we think Tickle Me Elmo TMX will be so popular here:


Since we still have a lot of time until Christmas, it's only a sign of what's to come, and this may prove to be one of the top hottest Christmas toys this year.

Some Other Contenders

While the above three toys seem to be the most promising when it comes to the hottest Christmas toys this year, there are a few other names you should be keeping an eye on.

Some other toys that may grace the wish lists many include Webkinz, Dora's Talking Cash Register and the Pink Nitro Notebook by Vtech.

This year we expect there will be hot Christmas toys for every age group, from toddler to adult. By starting your Christmas shopping early, you'll be able to find the hottest Christmas toys more easily. Happy Christmas shopping!

Noel Jameson loves sharing tips, tricks and advice on how to make the Christmas season happier, more meaningful and less stressful. Check out her entertaining and impassioned blog, ChristmasRants.com: http://www.christmasrants.com.Adrian Blog80678
Averil Blog65013

Get Fast Cash for Sudden Expenses Bad Credit Payday Loan

About the loan

Bad credit payday loans are instant loans for meeting the short term requirement of the borrowers suffering from bad credit. Bad credit payday loans helps you in meeting your routine expenses such as paying bills, school fees of children, emergency expenses on illness of a family member or repairs on your car due to engine breakdown or can be any other expenditure which needs to be served immediately. You can apply for amounts lying from 100 to 1000 for all these needs. These loans are generally secured by a postdated cheque for the next payday.

Bad credit

A bad credit holder is one whose credit score falls below the mark of 500. If you are unsure about your credit score, you can order a copy of your credit report along with your credit score from credit rating agencies. Being a bad credit holder, you cant go for conventional loans as standard lenders avoid people with bad credit. Even if any of the lender considers you for the loan, it will take too much of time to get the approval and urgent needs will not wait that long. This makes a bad credit payday loans is the best option in such situations. Bad credit payday loans give the bad credit holders a chance to improve their credit score as when they make timely repayment for the loan.


As far as the repayment term for the loan is concerned these loans are for very short period of 7 to 14 days and carry higher interest rate. So, it is better to pay off these loans as early as possible. However, if you are facing any difficulty in making the repayments, you can ask the lender for the extension of the repayment period but the lender will charge you with a fee for that.


Bad credit payday loan lenders are easily accessible to the borrower with the online option for searching them. Lots of free loan quotes are available to study, compare and choose from. This may seem as an effort demanding job but it can surely save lot of your money. After you have selected the deal of your choice you can fill the application form for a bad credit payday loan with personal details, employment details and monthly income, information about your checking account. Once you got the approval the money will be electronically deposited in your checking account within a short period of 24 hours. That means you will be having the money just a day after applying

Tim Kelly is an expert in finance having completed her LLM in Finance (Master of Laws in Finance) from Institute for Law and Finance at Frankfurt University. She is currently working with Best Payday Loans as a financial advisor. To find bad credit payday loan, payday loans, cash advance payday loan, instant payday loan, no fax payday loan, online payday loans that best site's you need visit http://www.bestpaydayloans.co.uk.Aurelie Blog4731
Allys Blog15947

CASH FLOW - The Life Blood of Every Business


The purpose of this article is to familiarize business owners with a kind of financing that is unfamiliar to many people, Factoring. I will explain, in a simple yet comprehensive way, how to improve your companys cash flow. You may then decide if using the Factoring approach is a sound business decision for your particular situation and needs.

The Life Blood of Every Business

If we were in a room full of small business owners and asked them all, What is the one thing your business needs the most in order to survive and grow? we would probably get a variety of answers: a needed product or service, a solid base of loyal customers, a well-prepared business plan to chart your course, a good location, or effective marketing. All true answers. But in addition to these, there is one need central to every business that is the need for available CASH. This is where factoring or accounts receivable financing comes into play.

Cash to business is like fuel to a car. You need to have enough in the tank to start the engine and you need to maintain enough in the tank to keep it running. Now the car (your business) will take you where you want to go. If you run out of gas cash on hand at any point along the way, wellwe all know what will happen.

Where can a business owner obtain the cash he or she needs? Banks, venture capital, private funds of the owner, friends, and relatives are the most common places in turn. However, banks usually want a minimum of two or three years worth of business financials before theyll give a loan. Venture capitalists want part ownership of the business. Not being in business long enough or not being profitable enough to satisfy the banks; and not wanting to give up any ownership; and with private resources already tapped, the business owner may be stuck. Where can I find that cash to grow my company? I have a good business with loyal customers, Im profitable or would be with enough cash to fuel the engine; I just need to get over this hump of not enough cash flow. What can I do?

The answer to this question may be right under your nose and you dont even know it. If you have accounts receivable with good, solid customers who are credit-worthy, you have something with intrinsic value that other business owners are interested in buying. The cash that can be obtained for your good receivables can be exactly what you need to get over a cash flow crisis.

By selling something you own your receivables youre not generating any debt that must be paid back; and youre improving your credit stature because youre converting assets (invoices) into immediate cash. That cash can enable you to save further by getting volume purchase discounts, discounts for cash, create market opportunities, or hire needed staff. And most of all, you can start new and expanded production without waiting for earlier invoices (sales) to be paid.

Setting accounts receivable at a discount is a means of financing called factoring or "accounts receivable financing." Its been around for centuries and is a billion-dollar industry for large businesses today. And it is growing rapidly in popularity with small and medium sized companies. Factoring not only has saved countless businesses from going under, it has provided many more businesses exactly what they need to grow: cash to fuel the engine.

Further Benefits of Factoring

Selling accounts receivable puts you in control of your business like no other form of financing. You control the discount by specifying when the advance is to be made. You can space the advances to create a steady flow of cash. If you dont need cash now, you can wait to receive the advance and save on the discount (waiting on an advance creates a line of credit).

Whats more important to realize is no debt is created, you have no loans to pay off, you create and keep a cleaner financial statement, your access to cash grows with your business sales, and there is no need to re-apply. Finally, you can stop factoring at any time. There are no long contracts and you only factor the invoices you want. YOU are in control.


Invoice factoring is filling a tremendous void that banks have created. Companies accelerate their profit and thrive whether you are a start up or established business.

Factoring requires, less paperwork than loans and no credit or reference checks of your business and is also faster than tradition bank loans..

Invoice factoring offers bussinesses tremendous growth opportunities to assist in the management of cash flow and delivers working capital for your business needs.

If you are seeking an invoice factoring company, then Diversified Financial Services is the smart choice. Our Financial Consultants are ready to answer any factoring questions. Call today 800-954-0012.

Thomas McCarthy has designed, developed & implemented financial systems for many years. Thomas was a Factoring customer for over 7 years before becoming a business owner and webmaster.Alene Blog79073
Ainslee Blog34865

Get Rid of those Bills Credit Card Debt Consolidation Loans

A credit card acts as temporary money for you. It allows you to make spending when you are short of cash or if you are uncomfortable in carrying too much cash in your pocket. But it is not freeyou get the bill at the end of every month for the value of all the spending you had done during the month through the credit card. And you are required to pay these credit card bills on time as banks and financial institutions are very strict regarding these payments. A little delay and be ready to pay the charges for the penalty and fine. This is the story of a single piece of plastic known as credit card. The situation become worst, when you are carry too many of them. So, when these credit card debts become unmanageable, you can take the help of credit card debt consolidation loans.

Credit card debt management loans helps you pay all the existing debts for credit cards which you are carrying. These loans are easily available in the loan market with large number of lenders. Also, in order to attract borrowers, lenders are continuously reducing the interest rates on these loans. So, a research among these loan lenders through online option can be beneficial for you in choosing a loan lender for credit card debt consolidation loans. You can apply for the credit card debt consolidation loans with or without offering the collateral to the lender.

There are various steps which you can take along with going for a Credit Card debt consolidation loans to get back the control over your credit card bills. These include attending credit counseling, planning a budget according to your income, close your credit card accounts which you dont use, making cash purchases wherever possible, using debit cards, transfer your balance to the credit card with lowest interest rate. All this steps will make the loan more effective. This will also give you the freedom from the stress and anxiety which you may be facing due to threatening calls and legal letter from your creditors to repay the credit card debt.

While filling an application form for a credit card debt consolidation loan through online option you need to fill simple details about your personal information, residential and employment status, loan amount required and an idea of your credit score. The lender once convinced will call you back for further assistance.

Credit card debt consolidation loans considers homeowners, non-homeowners, employed and self-employed, people with bad credit etc. So you dont have to worry about your status to apply for a credit card debt consolidation loan, which can serve you with a debt free life.

Alex Jonnes is associated with Easy Debt Consolidations. He is Masters in Business Administration and writes on various finance related topics. To find credit card debt consolidation loans,Debt consolidation loan bad credit, online debt consolidation loan, easy debt consolidations visit http://www.easy-debt-consolidations.co.ukAubrette Blog37987
Aidan Blog85290

Why Go Offshore?

Introduction - Today we read about a large number of people from a variety of different countries going offshore. By going offshore we mean opening offshore bank accounts, forming offshore companies and offshore foundations in tax haven countries. Some are even opening offshore stock trading accounts. This sort of activity and gets a lot of people wondering why all this sudden excitement over offshore banking and offshore corporations. Well try to provide some answer.

Taxes Most people think the rush to go offshore is to avoid taxation which would in their minds explain why most are going to tax haven countries to form their offshore corporations and open their offshore bank accounts. A tax haven country is a country where offshore derived income is not taxed. The jurisdiction will usually look towards taxation on imported goods to derive their tax base. Generally a tax haven jurisdiction such as Panama will also not have any capital gains tax, no inheritance tax and corporate taxes are generally fixed in the form of a few hundred dollars that is paid each year as the filing fee for the corporation. Some countries allow people to earn money when offshore or out of their country tax free and other countries allow for partial exemptions and others offer no break of any sort. We do feel that people are going offshore for reasons other than tax avoidance or minimization. We often see large corporations are shifting their activities outside of their home country for reasons other than taxation although taxation is probably in there as a determining factor as well. Their operating expenses are so high there are precious few net profit dollars left to be taxed. These companies are trying to stay competitive in their market and are choking on the expenses associated with employee wages, employee benefits, employee medical plan premiums, litigation insurance premiums, discrimination lawsuits, unjust termination lawsuits, retirement benefits, disability insurance premiums, unemployment insurance premiums, and standards for health and safety imposed by their respective governments in the workplace which then brings us to high costs associated with office space. Few if any of these expenses follows the large corporation when they move offshore. Taxes tend to come into play but that is only one small piece of the equation. Today we see a large amount of phone rooms coming to Panama. These are usually not new jobs being created, they are jobs moving to Panama from other countries. These jobs are generally customer service jobs, support jobs and soft sales jobs where the salesperson offers more explanation than sales pressure. The companies tend to save in many ways enabling them to be competitive and offer a competitive level of service to their customers. Of course the effect of companies moving from the large North American and Western European countries is damaging to say the least to those economies they are departing from.

Privacy Concerns Let us look at some of the reasons why people move their assets to a offshore tax haven that is also a privacy haven like Panama.

1) Tax Haven Status These people already under the burden of taxation from many of their home countries do not want additional tax burdens. Contrary to popular belief most of the money moving offshore has already been taxed by the various home countries and if there are additional taxes it would be too burdensome. They want to be free of additional taxes.

2) Privacy People like to be as private as possible in their financial affairs. How many of you would stroll through any major city of the world today openly displaying a solid gold Rolex full of diamonds along with a nice large diamond ring? Not too many! Why? Because you do not want to run the risk of becoming a victim of robbery or assault. So what do you think is different about having expensive real estate in your own name, boats, planes, bank accounts etc. Nothing is different. People with large amounts of assets are a target and they have every right to keep there financial affairs as private as possible and in many countries it is essential to their health.

3) Kidnapping In many countries kidnapping victims are selected based on real estate holdings. The advantages to putting real estate in the name of an anonymous Panama bearer share corporation are obvious. When people look up the real estate they can not tell who the natural persons are behind the corporation that owns the real estate. In Panama the owners of the stock of a bearer share corporation do not appear in any public registry or database. When it comes time to sell the real estate the corporation that owns the real estate is sold, not the real estate. This prevents would be kidnappers from following real estate sales reports to look for potential victims thus protecting the subsequent owner. The same applies to the ownership of a yacht or an airplane. Another popular method of determining who is a good kidnapping victim is to have a bank employee on the payroll who scours through the files at the bank finding wealthy people for you. If you live in one country and bank say in Panama this doesnt work very well since the kidnappers would need to cultivate bank employees in Panama who could isolate victims for them in their own country. This narrows the field quite a bit especially when you take into account that in Panama a bank employee is risking a felony to violate bank secrecy which is far from the case in many other countries that routinely complain about bank secrecy and offshore jurisdictions.

4) Identity Theft Of course the prime identity theft target is one who has wealth and thus is capable of carrying large amounts of credit. With generally non existent bank privacy let alone secrecy in many countries scoundrels are free to roam through credit reports with bank details, credit card details etc and plan a devastating identity theft attack. These crooks even order private detective reports on their victims to really learn as much as they can about them. Of course the public records databases are all too accommodating providing details like drivers license records, who owns the loan on their house, cars, boats etc, what credit cards they have and so forth. Credit bureau secrecy is non-existent as evidenced by the vast amount of identity theft and credit card fraud. Offshore banks in Panama and other offshore privacy jurisdictions due to bank secrecy do not report to any credit bureaus. If you do not need credit why have regular credit cards. Use offshore bank debit cards that just sweep the money directly out of your bank account and thus you stay private with how much you spend and how much credit you have not appearing in any credit reports. The history of your purchases would also be immensely harder for say a private detective to get from an offshore bank, they seem to have no trouble getting this date from regular banks in many countries.

5) Frivolous Litigation In many countries lawyer can operate on contingency and like to sue those who have deep pockets. The best way to see how deep a persons pockets are is to run an asset check on them. If their assets are all private like they bank in bank secrecy jurisdictions like Panama, have real estate owned by anonymous Panama Foundations or anonymous Panama Corporations then the asset check will come back low on assets, probably too low to invest a lot of time and money in frivolous litigation. This also keeps the persons assets free of pre-trial attachment which is a favorite trick of unethical attorneys that is allowed in most of these non-privacy jurisdictions.

6) Privacy Some people just want to keep their affairs private and they should be able to do just that.

For more information on asset protection go to http://www.panamalaw.org

Panama LegalAudra Blog50618
Audre Blog80301

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